Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Rehab Marketing- Not All Addiction Markets (Cities) Are The Same

So in today’s article, we discuss why some Multilocation addiction treatment centers have a high-performing treatment center in a midmarket (500k plus population), while their sister location in a high population (1M plus population) is struggling.  They were already having us run their Google Maps (Google Business Places) SEO for their addiction treatment center along with Organic SEO and link building.


Issue: One GBP Is Getting Hundreds of Calls But Not Getting a Ton of Admits

The high-population location gets 400 calls a month. However, the center owner contacts us asking why they are getting lower conversions out of this than out of the mid-market, which has less than 150 calls a month. 


Answer: Some Populations Have Higher Levels of Private Insurance & Cash Pay Clients

Listen, targeting is super important. However, you want to get as many potential admits in as possible. 


Call Volume + Targeting Areas with Qualified Private Insurance Is Key 

The client did not want to show up for “free rehab” center terms. So we make sure not have articles or use the word “free rehabs” or “free addiction treatment program” phrases on the page. As well as excluding “state-sponsored”. 


Follow Up & $3,000 Cost Per Admissions

The client worked with their call center to see what type of treatments potential patients were calling in for. Lots of calls were for methadone, and outpatient terms, which is great and something they offer. However their CRM measures residential admissions. So if we look at total revenue generated as opposed to JUST residential addiction treatment admissions the campaigns is even more successful than they originally thought. Getting admissions in for less than $3,000? Yes its possible and something we have been doing for years. 


Speak to one of our team members to see if your treatment center is a good fit for our Google Maps SEO & Organic SEO. 

TikTok, IG or Google? Where Should Your Addiction Center Be Marketing?

The rise of social media platforms has revolutionized the way people communicate, interact, and seek information. Among the younger generati...