Wednesday, May 17, 2023

How SEO Consultants Work With An Internal Marketing Team


So here is the deal. At MasterMindSEO, we often do SEO consulting with larger companies that have VPs of Marketing, Marketing Department Heads, team leads, content managers and so on and so forth. So the question is, how does an SEO consultant work with an existing marketing department to drive growth and results?


No Ego

This is the #1 killer of possibly successful long-term partnerships between an SEO consultant and the client’s Internal Marketing team. During my time working with Inc. 500 companies and multi-billion dollars a-year revenue companies as an SEO consultant, we have run the gamut of personalities that we interface with. When we lead with kindness and let the team know that in NO WAY, shape or form are we trying to take their job or make them irrelevant, and that we’re just here to make them look good- we get massive buy-in from their staff. Seriously it’s wild that some people actually think that I or someone on my team wants their job. No disrespect, but I (Stephen Twomey), don’t want to be employed by your company. I love working with lots of clients, from the education space to addiction treatment and E-Commerce. All we want to do is make their staff and department heads look good. In order to do that, we need to drive results in whatever aspect we were hired for.


Streamlining Communication

If you’re a company looking for an SEO consultant, try and see if they will interface with you on your Microsoft Teams chat, or in Slack (whatever it is you guys use). Try to avoid using both, then email, then text and phone calls. Try to stick to one main place for projects and communications. I like to use ClickUp for our internal tasks with the agency, and for a few of the clients that are larger, we also use to assign projects to writers, team leads and developers.


Understanding Roles

If you are hiring an SEO consultant, make sure to understand what you are hiring them for. If its just pure consulting, then they will not be doing any actual production as far as contributing to the creation of content, structure or links, TYPICALLY. With a lot of our consulting deals with larger organizations, we do consulting plus some tactical work. Like content ideation, creating content briefs for pillar pieces as well as sales pages and blogs that are part of a larger content cluster.


Scope of Work

This piggy backs off of the Understanding The Roles point above. Make sure everyone knows what is being offered, what is covered in scope and what is out of scope.

If you’re looking for an SEO consultant that is easy to work with, very knowledgable, has been a Chief Marketing Officer for an Inc. 500 company and has driven hundreds of millions of dollars in profit for their clients, hit us up.

Schedule a CallThe post How SEO Consultants Work With An Internal Marketing Team first appeared on MasterMindSEO | Content Marketing & SE |Stephen Twomey.

from MasterMindSEO | Content Marketing & SE |Stephen Twomey
via MasterMindSEO

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